Friday, April 27, 2012

Kitties and Kourage

Recipes, cooking and blogging have all taken a back-seat this week as I've been consumed taking care of our sick cat Oliver. It seems our precious orange tabby got himself into something, and scratched his eye pretty bad.

Mr.*From Scratch took a week-long business trip to Orlando (boo hoo), so I've been the sole administer-er of antibiotics, pain meds and the dreaded Elizabethan-cone-around-the-neck.

Today Oliver's much better, so I've had the mental energy to think about other things, like this beloved blog! I have to give myself a (small) pat on the back for all the stress I fared this week. I discovered I'm a little bit more courageous then I thought. Carrying a 14 pound crying animal to and from the vet and then making him comfortable all week was a big task (remember we live in a 5th floor walk-up folks). Many thanks to the friends and loved ones who have checked up on us--you know who you are!

Along with my newfound courage, I also realized there were some neat little tidbits of daily life that just had to be shared for this week's post. Nothing earth shattering, just simple discoveries that made my week easier and more pleasant. Enjoy!

1) Go bananas for...bananas!

Too many ripe bananas? Cut them up and place on a baking sheet and freeze. Once frozen, pop them in a zip-top bag. Perfect for smoothies or dip them in melted chocolate for a tasty spring treat.

2) Show your sink some love...
 Did you know any soap nozzle will screw onto a glass bottle? I got this idea from the website Pinterest. Just fill  your favorite bottle with dish-soap and screw on the nozzle. I have always loved the green Pellegrino bottle, and now my sink looks tres chic.

3) Captain Obvious called...
Ok this right here just changed my life. I have always struggled with getting the blessed Clorox wipes to pull through the hole. It NEVER works for me...until I discovered I was doing it wrong. I know the photo is light, but it says, "Pull Wipe from Center of Roll." Genius.
Convalescing cat with cone. 

I treated myself to a little retail therapy this week. It's a little Ohio charm! You can take the girl out of the Mid-West, but it will always remain in my heart.

Back to food and recipes next week! Please feel free to share your favorite daily tips, tricks and discoveries that make your life better. You all have some I'm sure- and we'd love to hear about them!


  1. Love the red lipstick and the cute necklace. And the banana idea. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. I love the Ohio charm! And the idea for the soap and the frozen seems like a simple idea; freezing bananas...but for the creatively-challenged cook (aka. someone who does not cook), it's a genius thought! Chocolate covered bananas will be served at our house this summer- thanks Linds! You look great, I am glad life is good for you! :)

  3. I love this post. Hope Oliver is doing better :( I must admit he looks pretty adorable with his little cone, but let's hope he doesn't have to wear it for long!

    And I LOVE the Pellegrino/soap container idea! Gotta love pinterest.

  4. omg i want that charm...where's it from?

  5. @deathbystereo it was from a shop in Brooklyn!

    Thanks for the moral support @Andrea, @Erin and @AaronandKarrie, and thanks for reading:-)
